Thursday, December 18, 2008

Odds n’ Ends (12)

  1. Hamas Declares End of Ceasefire with Israel. GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas Islamists Thursday declared the end of a six-month-old Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel in the Gaza Strip, raising the prospect of an escalation in cross-border fighting. This is done likely because they've managed to stockpile enough weapons and ammunition to feel brave again.


  1. President Elect Obama Planning a Billion Dollar Bailout of the Abortion Industry.; Last week, the Obama-Biden Transition Project posted a report on its website that calls for dramatic policy reversals on abortion, including $1 billion in taxpayer money for international abortion groups like Planned Parenthood. The report, titled "Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration," also calls for a 133-percent increase in funding for the Title X program, which funds Planned Parenthood clinics across the country.



  2. Climate Change Chicanery. Stubborn thing, truth. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "You can resent it, ignore it, deride or distort it—but there it is." Truth, as Al Gore eagerly lectures, is an inconvenience to people content with their cherished beliefs. Interesting how some of the most inconvenient truths are those that keep cropping up about global warming. For example:
  • NASA's latest tabulation shows a general cooling trend over the last decade with only three years in that time frame among the 10 hottest years on record.
  • NASA measurements indicate that the world's oceans—believed to contribute up to 90 percent to global temperature—have been cooling, not warming, for the last five years.
  • Antarctic ice has been growing steadily since the late 1970s and, in 2008, the extent of Arctic ice increased over 9 percent from the previous year.
  • According to NOAA scientists, the winter of 2008 was the coldest since 2001.


One way to turn unwelcome findings into corroborative facts is to run them through the spin cycle of computer modeling—like the German scientists who recently announced their new climate-change model. After running the latest data through the model, the researchers found that—voila!—it predicts a 10-year cooling period before temperatures resume their sizzling climb to global meltdown. Now even cooling trends are claimed to support global warming! That's one way to protect a "cherished belief."; I hope this answers Mr. Oleander's recent question to me on whether I am now accepting Global Warming – I say hah, to Gorewinism!



  1. More People Believe in Hell Than in Darwinism. "Overall, more people believe in the devil, hell and angels than believe in Darwin´s theory of evolution," said a Harris Poll released Thursday. The numbers clearly favor the proverbial Big Man Upstairs: 80 percent say they believe in God; among those who attend church weekly, the number is 98 percent. Three-quarters believe in miracles, 73 percent believe in heaven, 71 percent say Jesus is the Son of God and 71 percent believe in angels, the survey found. Seven out of 10 say Jesus Christ rose from the dead and that the Bible is, all or in part, the "Word of God."

    More than two-thirds - 68 percent - believe in the "survival of the soul after death" and would describe themselves as religious. About 62 percent think that hell exists, 61 percent believe in the Virgin Birth and 59 percent say the devil exists. In contrast, fewer than half - 47 percent - said they believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.;


Anonymous said...

Tom - thanks for the odds n' ends.


Anonymous said...

You got Hamas figured out pretty spot on.

"President Elect Obama Planning a Billion Dollar Bailout of the Abortion Industry. "

First of all, it's not a "bailout." Groups like PP have always relied on grants and outlays for their survival. Most of their customers are poor and can't afford the kinds of prices that would make the reproductive rights organizations profitable.

2nd: It isn't "the abortion industry." There is no such thing. Very few clinics that offer abortion services derive large portions of their revenues through abortion. Very few family planning organizations would disappear tomorrow if abortion were made illegal.

3rd: You already knew points 1 and 2, which makes your use of those terms little more than hatemongering.

My Position: We need to continue to fund legal abortions as an alternative form of birth control. I don't like them, and you don't like them, and a lot of people don't like them, but that doesn't mean it isn't the right thing to do.

main arguments why this should move forward.

1) The argument about not funding abortions in a bad economy is completely bogus. Especially in a bad economy, the poorer segments of the population cannot afford to have the procedure done themselves. And they certainly can't afford another mouth to feed. More specifically, the government cannot afford to support the child through the welfare system. Funding the abortion saves taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars (probably hundreds of thousands) for each one.

2) I don't remember my 2nd point... blame lack of sleep and Vicodin... for those, blame my UL rear molar... ow.

"Now even cooling trends are claimed to support global warming!"


Tom, it's a big, complicated planet. Until you've read as much about meteorology as I have about Christianity, Try to keep your mind open and your mouth protected from involuntary inserting your foot squarely inside.

I not only followed the link you gave, but visited several of their "brother" sites. These people take little snippets of data out of context and spin them into seeming to support their claims. For the facts that they can't spin into non-existence, they try to use climatologists own terms against them (like urban heat island effects on average temperature readings.

The idea of a cooldown before the big heat up is NOT NEW!!! The computer models have been showing that for years now. The same fossil fuel usage that is feeding global warming is also partially protecting us from the temperature rise, but NOT FOR VERY LONG!!!

Here's another shocker ... If we cut carbon pollution to near nothing, it will be years or even decades until the good results are measurable. In fact, global warming might continue for decades afterwords. This is because of the dual effects of come of the components of greenhouse gases. All the global-warming-nay-sayers will be screaming " difference!!! It was all wasted effort!!!" But that, like their current denial of the problem, will be wrong...

Of course, if you listen to the TV evangelists, it doesn't matter because the end of the world is either in 2012, 2028, or tomorrow... so let's forget all this fussin' an' fightin' and go fishin' instead!
"About 62 percent think that hell exists ... and 59 percent say the devil exists."

Exactly who do those odd 3% think is in charge in Hell? Nixon?

Hope Christmas was good to all!

tom wolff said...

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your comments, although did you just call me a "hatemonger"? I did want to respond to your comment on Global Warming. I appreciate your looking at the web-articles I provided the link to. But it really seems to me (and now even the Media)that man-made Global Warming is now a "dead" issue. Here is what writer Christopher Booker of the UK Telegraph writes:

Easily one of the most important stories of 2008 has been all the evidence suggesting that this may be looked back on as the year when there was a turning point in the great worldwide panic over man-made global warming...

3 Reasons for saying this:

First, all over the world, temperatures have been dropping in a way wholly unpredicted by all those...

Secondly, 2008 was the year when any pretence that there was a "scientific consensus" in favour of man-made global warming collapsed. At long last, as in the Manhattan Declaration last March, hundreds of proper scientists, including many of the world's most eminent climate experts, have been rallying to pour scorn on that "consensus" which was only a politically engineered artefact...

Thirdly, as banks collapsed and the global economy plunged into its worst recession for decades, harsh reality at last began to break in on those self-deluding dreams which have for so long possessed almost every politician in the western world...

Tom's note - it seems the lack of scientific consensus is the strongest point made here. Do you know anything about the 'Manhatten Declaration' that was made last March?