Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Odds n’ Ends (13)

I am going to take a break from discussing the importance of Baptism for a while, and shift gears to discuss some interesting headlines in the news:


1). How Dangerous is Russia? Russia is facing a financial crisis as great as when the collapse of Communism took place during the Reagan years. Here's some information to think of: Russia is the world's 2nd largest oil producer, and with the decrease in oil prices, Russia is facing budget deficits. Russia and China issued stark warnings recently about the impact of the crisis on their recently booming economies in 2009, as stocks and oil prices took a hit from economic gloom over Christmas.

A top official in Moscow warned that the crisis could spark popular unrest after a Kremlin economic aide said Russia next year would have its first budget deficit since the 1998 financial crisis, which brought the country to its knees. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=081224170802.mlmyh761&show_article=1.

Russia may be causing increased tensions in the Middle East to increase oil prices. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123172143660372413.html

And then add in that Russia's Prime Minister Medvedev and former ruler Vladimer Putin are fighting. Russia and the Ukraine are fighting over oil supply, which has cut off Europe from Russia's oil production (http://money.aol.com/news/articles/_a/bbdp/russia-ukraine-trade-blame-as-europe/299801?cid=13.) So this is one area of the world to keep your eye on during the New Year.


2). Growing Replacement Teeth. http://technutnews.com/2009/01/13/chew-on-this-well-soon-be-able-to-grow-replacement-teeth/


3). What Drugs are in your Drinking Water? A comprehensive survey of the drinking water for more than 28 million Americans has detected the widespread but low-level presence of pharmaceuticals and hormonally active chemicals. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16397-top-11-compounds-in-us-drinking-water.html. Although the drugs are in small amounts in our water, there still are some scary drugs in the top-11 list, including: Estrone, an oestrogen hormone secreted by the ovaries and blamed for causing gender-bending changes in fish; Meprobamate, a tranquiliser widely used in psychiatric treatment; and, Atrazine, an organic herbicide banned in the European Union, but still used in the US, which has been implicated in the decline of fish stocks and in changes in animal behaviour, and two different kinds of antibiotics.


4). Puberty Blockers recommended for Transsexual Teens. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20026864.100-puberty-blockers-recommended-for-transsexual-teens.html?page=1;
TRANSSEXUAL children as young as 12 should be given drugs to postpone puberty and make it easier for them to change sex at the age of 16 if they still want to. That's the suggestion of controversial draft guidelines, the first of their kind, issued last week by the international Endocrine Society.

The guidelines state that transsexual children and young teens who have begun early puberty should be given puberty-blockers to avoid inevitable changes to their bodies, which they perceive as out of line with their true gender. In the worst cases, these changes can drive children to self-harm or even suicide.


That's all for now – May God bless you with greater knowledge of Who He is through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. /s/Tom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Russia: Good call. The Great Bear has been trouble for the past 800 years, and no change of government is going to change that. Add to the fact that Putin didn't really lose that much power (if any) by changing roles last year, and we have a real possibility of a major authoritarian comeback there. It will wait a few years until the economy rebounds, because they are somewhat more reliant on world opinion than they used to be (at least for now).

Growing New Teeth: I still have two of my wisdom teeth which were extracted 27 years ago... Wonder if they could re-activate those stem cells? I only have 12 of my original teeth left. If it's too late for me, you know who gets the blame...?

Drugs in Water: So far the only reason we haven't found more drugs is that we haven't tested for them. Every drug tested for has been found. I have not read of any drug with levels high enough to warrant immediate concern, but this is one to watch. WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW: Lobby your Congressman to push for a ban on all unnecessary anti-biotic use in food animals. The poultry industry already has such a ban, now we need to extend it. Your grandchildren may be exposed to super-resistant strains of bacteria as a result of current policy.

Puberty Blockers: Hmmm... Just... hmmm...
